Old Broad Bay Family History Association


Waldoboro Day - David and Deirdre Putnam will be hosting an informational table at the Waldoboro Historical Society on June 15th from 10 AM to 4 PM. Please stop by and say hello!
Maine State Archives

OBBFHA Annual Meeting - The annual meeting of the Old Broad Bay Family Association will be held on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at the Safe Harbor Community Chapel, 50 Mill Street, Waldoboro. The meeting will commence at 9:00 AM with a review of last year's business. Our guest speaker, Ms. Heather Moran of the Maine State Archives, will begin her presentation, Maine in the Civil War, at 10:00 AM.

Lunch, snacks and refreshments will be served. There will be time after lunch for any questions, comments, and socializing. We are asking anyone with any civil war related documents, letters, or mementos to bring them to the meeting to share with the group. A five dollar donation will be accepted at the door. Feel free to bring a friend!

1792 Old German Church

Old German Meeting House and Burial Grounds
The Ladies Auxiliary of the German Protestant Society will host their annual church service at 3:00 PM on Sunday, August 4th, at the Old German Meeting House in Waldoboro. Refreshments and snacks will be served after the service.

The photo is of the German Church (Waldoboro Meeting House), built in 1772.  Click on the image to get a larger view.

Front of Waldoboro Historical Society
Sign of Waldoboro Historical Society

The Waldoboro Historical Society
Mission Statement: The Waldoborough Historical Society collects and preserves the history and historical artifacts of Waldoboro, maintains a facility in which to celebrate and study the history, and promotes the education of its citizens in that history so that present and future generations may build upon.

Located at 1164 Main Street, Waldoboro, the Historical Society and Museum is a must see when visiting the area. It is also a good place to visit after the OBBFHA Annual Meeting. They have genealogical files on the various families of Waldoboro.

Contact Bill Maxwell for further information on these files. - info(at)waldoborohistory.us Visit their FaceBook page https://www.facebook.com/waldoborohistory/

Webpage Update

On our Publications page is a new Every name index for Bund und Blatt and OBBFHA Newsletters. Also we have added a list of articles in the New Series of newsletters from 2004-2023.

Camden Herald Online Archives, 1870-2023 - The Camden Public Library, with the assistance of funding from private donors and the Stephen and Tabitha King Foundation, has successfully digitized 150 years of the Camden Herald Archives. Go to the EXPLORE, LINKS tab to access this database or click here: https://www.librarycamden.org/walsh-history-center/search-camden-herald-archives/

We have added new sections under the Explore tab on our webpage called Historic Documents & Photos. For our first document, David Putnam has transcribed the UNITED STATES DIRECT TAX LIST OF 1798, WALDOBOROUGH from The Genealogical Advertiser, Volumes III and IV, Lucy Hall Greenlaw, Palala Publishing. Please send any contributions to David - DPutnam925(at)msn.com

We now have the ability to post photos submitted by members. There is also a place for a brief genealogy of some of the people in the photos. There is a folder for photos where the name is known and they are listed alphabetically by last name, first name, married name, and name of contributor.

There is a second folder with photos where the names are unknown and they show only the name of the contributor and image number. If anyone knows the names on any of these, please contact Fred Snell, webmaster. His email is fredsnell(at)gmail.com. Also if you have photos to submit, please contact Fred.

This is a good reminder to all of us who have boxes of old photos, please write the names and dates on them so future generation will know who these handsome people are.